Rum Ragged, Gone Jiggin’ (2024) LHM Records

This fifth album by Rum Ragged is 43 minutes of softy acoustic music with fine vocals and fine playing. The sound is warm, cohesive and as attractive as the Boys Own Tales illustration cover, a world away from the frenetic inebriation the band’s name initially suggests.

“The Road To Lushes Bight ( Island Stock) “ from its opening vocal harmonies shows Rum Ragged’s warm lush folk credentials. On opener and “Paddy Hyde” Mark Manning’s confident vocal, backed by Aaron Collis and Billy Sutton draws you in. Collis’ fiddle and Manning’s accordion on the “Ray Heads” and “Joe Young’s sets of tunes show that Rum Ragged can create both infectious pace and atmosphere instrumentally. “The Dewy Dells Of Yarrow” and “The Green Shores of Fogo are steeped in Canadian Celtic magic with nuanced vocals and softly beautiful playing. Softly beautiful too is the traditional “Thomas Trim with fine fiddle and percussive guitar. I  assume the jaunty “Kelly And The Ghost” features the strikingly lilting rhythmic vocals of Billy Sutton which superbly contrast Manning’s singing. “Riley” is a tale of misfortune with more of those nimble vocal harmonies. Stan Ellison’s “Lazy Afternoon” is a hazy earworm, understated perfect acoustic music on a, stand out track. “The Viking Jig” set has brilliant interplay between Sutton’s Bodhran and the other players. Celtic and Old Timey Country collide beautifully on “The Apple Tree with lovely harmonies,, Collis’ whistles and Colin Grant’s fiddles meshing.

I promise you will be checking out their other albums after hearing this one.

Marc Higgins 25/06/24

LHM Records 12 tracks

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